Always Best Care Philly at the Overbrook Experience Dinner

Bryant M. Greene (third from right) owner/administrator of Always Best Care of Philadelphia, Bucks and Delaware Counties and the Main Line and Always Best Care Delaware enjoys a pose with members of “Team Greene” attending the Overbrook School For the Blind annual Experience Dinner benefiting the school for the visually impaired located at 6333 Malvern Avenue in the Overbrook Park section of Philadelphia. Always Best Care was a major sponsor of the fund raising evening which featured a reception and silent auction, dinner, live auction and presentations by school administrators and teachers plus a video depicting “A Day In The Life” of the Overbook School. Greene is a member of the school’s board of directors and serves on its development committee. Always Best Care is a leading provider of in home care and free assisted living placement and may be reached at 267-909-9248 or on the web at